LipidSigR offers several utility functions to enhance convenience in constructing input SummarizedExperiment object, viewing output results, listing selectable lipid characteristics, and more.
The input data for most functions must be a SummarizedExperiment
object, constructed by LipidSigR::as_summarized_experiment
or generated from other upstream analysis functions.
To begin analyzing data, follow the instructions below to construct the input SummarizedExperiment object. First, prepare the required input data frames: the abundance data and the group information table. If you only intend to conduct the profiling analysis, you only need to prepare the abundance data.
The input abundance data and group information table must be provided as data frames and adhere to the following requirements.
Abundance data: The lipid abundance data includes the abundance values of each feature across all samples.
For example:
rm(list = ls())
head(abundance_twoGroup[, 1:6], 5)
#> feature control_01 control_02 control_03 control_04 control_05
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 0.1167960 0.1638070 0.1759450 0.1446540 0.172092
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 0.7857833 0.9366095 0.8944465 0.8961396 1.056512
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 0.1494030 0.1568970 0.1909800 0.1312440 0.248504
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 1.8530153 2.1946591 2.6377576 2.3418783 2.143355
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 1.3325520 1.2514943 1.9466750 1.2948319 1.634636
Group information table: The group information table contains the grouping details corresponding to the samples in lipid abundance data.
, label_name
, group
and pair
, and for multi-group data, column names must be
arranged in order of sample_name
, label_name
and group
column are as same as the
sample names in lipid abundance data.sample_name
, label_name
, and
columns do not contain NA
contain 2 groups,
and for multi-group data the column group
must contain more
than 2 groups.For example:
The purpose of this step is to exclude lipid features not recognized
by rgoslin::parseLipidNames
If you haven’t install rgoslin
package, install it by
running the following codes.
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Then, follow the instructions below before constructing the input data as a SummarizedExperiment object.
cannot recognize a certain lipid.
However, if your data contains at least two recognizable lipids, it will
be sufficient for analysis (note that different analyses may have
varying data requirements).
# map lipid characteristics by rgoslin
parse_lipid <- rgoslin::parseLipidNames(lipidNames=abundance_twoGroup$feature)
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-14:0;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-15:0;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-16:0;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-16:1;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-17:0;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-17:1;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-18:1;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-18:2;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-18:3;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-19:2;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-19:3;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-20:2;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-20:4;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-20:5;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'SE 27:1;0-22:6;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
#> Encountered an error while parsing 'ST 27:1;0': Expecting a single string value: [type=character; extent=4].
# filter lipid recognized by rgoslin
recognized_lipid <- parse_lipid$Original.Name[
which(parse_lipid$Grammar != 'NOT_PARSEABLE')]
abundance <- abundance_twoGroup %>%
dplyr::filter(feature %in% recognized_lipid)
goslin_annotation <- parse_lipid %>%
dplyr::filter(Original.Name %in% recognized_lipid)
After running the above code, two data frames,
, and goslin_annotation
, will be
generated and used in the next step.
head(abundance[, 1:6], 5)
#> feature control_01 control_02 control_03 control_04 control_05
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 0.1167960 0.1638070 0.1759450 0.1446540 0.172092
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 0.7857833 0.9366095 0.8944465 0.8961396 1.056512
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 0.1494030 0.1568970 0.1909800 0.1312440 0.248504
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 1.8530153 2.1946591 2.6377576 2.3418783 2.143355
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 1.3325520 1.2514943 1.9466750 1.2948319 1.634636
head(goslin_annotation[, 1:6], 5)
#> Normalized.Name Original.Name Grammar Message Adduct Adduct.Charge
#> 1 Cer 38:1;O2 Cer 38:1;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 2 Cer 40:1;O2 Cer 40:1;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 3 Cer 40:2;O2 Cer 40:2;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 4 Cer 42:1;O2 Cer 42:1;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 5 Cer 42:2;O2 Cer 42:2;2 Goslin NA NA 0
Use the data obtained from previous steps to construct SE object.
se <- as_summarized_experiment(
abundance, goslin_annotation, group_info=group_info_twoGroup,
se_type='de_two', paired_sample=FALSE)
#> Input data info
#> se_type: de_two
#> Number of lipids (features) available for analysis: 192
#> Number of samples: 23
#> Number of group: 2
#> Not paired samples.
After running the above code, you are ready to begin the analysis
with the output se
. After the code execution, a summary of
the input data will be displayed.
(Note: If errors occur during execution, please revise the input data to resolve them.)
Most of our statistical functions return results in a SummarizedExperiment object. To enhance user accessibility, we provide a function to extract these results as several data frames for easier viewing.
For example, after conducting LipidSigR::deSp_twoGroup
it returns deSp_se
. You can view the data stored in the
returned SummarizedExperiment object using
# data processing
processed_se <- data_process(
se, exclude_missing=TRUE, exclude_missing_pct=70,
replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,
# conduct differential expression analysis of lipid species
deSp_se <- deSp_twoGroup(
processed_se, ref_group='ctrl', test='t-test',
significant='pval', p_cutoff=0.05, FC_cutoff=1, transform='log10')
# extract results in SE
res_list <- extract_summarized_experiment(deSp_se)
# summary of extract results
#> Length Class Mode
#> abundance 24 data.frame list
#> lipid_char_table 72 data.frame list
#> group_info 5 data.frame list
#> all_deSp_result 15 data.frame list
#> sig_deSp_result 15 data.frame list
#> processed_abundance 24 data.frame list
#> significant 1 -none- character
#> p_cutoff 1 -none- numeric
#> FC_cutoff 1 -none- numeric
#> transform 1 -none- character
The returned result list, extracted from the SummarizedExperiment object, includes input data (abundance, lipid characteristics table, group information table), various input settings (e.g., significance level, p-value cutoff), and statistical results.
Most input data for LipidSigR
must undergo data
processing to ensure it is normalized without missing values. The data
processing function operates on the constructed SummarizedExperiment
object, processing the abundance table based on the user’s settings. The
resulting SummarizedExperiment object can then be used directly in
subsequent analysis functions.
# abundance in input SE
head(extract_summarized_experiment(se)$abundance[, 1:5], 10)
#> feature control_01 control_02 control_03 control_04
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 0.1167960 0.1638070 0.1759450 0.1446540
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 0.7857833 0.9366095 0.8944465 0.8961396
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 0.1494030 0.1568970 0.1909800 0.1312440
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 1.8530153 2.1946591 2.6377576 2.3418783
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 1.3325520 1.2514943 1.9466750 1.2948319
#> 6 DAG 14:0;0-18:1;0 NA 1.0664249 NA NA
#> 7 DAG 16:0;0-16:0;0 NA NA NA NA
#> 8 DAG 16:0;0-18:1;0 3.1378101 5.3820724 2.1217224 3.9616688
#> 9 DAG 16:0;0-18:2;0 2.1500685 2.1844099 0.9782799 4.7669999
#> 10 DAG 16:1;0-18:1;0 1.3524184 1.4611123 0.3797060 1.4499917
# data processing
processed_se <- data_process(
se, exclude_missing=TRUE, exclude_missing_pct=70,
replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,
# abundance in processed SE
head(extract_summarized_experiment(processed_se)$abundance[, 1:5], 10)
#> feature control_01 control_02 control_03 control_04
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 0.0041853183 0.005062099 0.006639506 0.0046739931
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 0.0281580981 0.028943877 0.033753065 0.0289556495
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 0.0053537717 0.004848560 0.007206871 0.0042406954
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 0.0664017529 0.067821160 0.099539106 0.0756696884
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 0.0477512444 0.038674706 0.073460234 0.0418380078
#> 6 DAG 16:0;0-18:1;0 0.1124416422 0.166321225 0.080065870 0.1280076083
#> 7 DAG 16:0;0-18:2;0 0.0770464839 0.067504429 0.036916625 0.1540290956
#> 8 DAG 16:1;0-18:1;0 0.0484631465 0.045152494 0.014328684 0.0468514603
#> 9 DAG 18:1;0-18:1;0 0.3812287315 0.345006230 0.147065473 0.2628932938
#> 10 DAG 18:2;0-18:0;0 0.0002579212 0.012558032 0.004138136 0.0002325649
After data processing, you can further visualize the differences by plotting the abundance before and after processing.
# plotting
data_process_plots <- plot_data_process(se, processed_se)
# result summary
#> Length Class Mode
#> interactive_boxPlot_before 8 plotly list
#> static_boxPlot_before 9 gg list
#> interactive_densityPlot_before 8 plotly list
#> static_densityPlot_before 9 gg list
#> interactive_boxPlot_after 8 plotly list
#> static_boxPlot_after 9 gg list
#> interactive_densityPlot_after 8 plotly list
#> static_densityPlot_after 9 gg list
# view box plot before/after data processing
# view density plot before/after data processing
In several functions, you must select a specific lipid characteristic
as input for analysis. To enhance accessibility, we provide the
function, which returns all
available lipid characteristics. You can review these options and choose
one as your input.
returns three types of lipid
characteristic lists: deChar_list
, and common_list
, each used in
different analyses.
deChar_list: the selectable lipid characteristics for using
chain_db_list: the selectable lipid characteristics for using
ml_char_list: the selectable lipid characteristics for using
common_list: the selectable lipid characteristics for use in all functions not mentioned above.
Take LipidSigR::lipid_profiling
as an example.
# data processing
processed_se <- data_process(
se, exclude_missing=TRUE, exclude_missing_pct=70,
replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,
# get lipid characteristics
#> There are 4 ratio characteristics that can be converted in your dataset.
#> Lipid classification Lipid classification
#> "Category" "Main.Class"
#> Lipid classification Lipid classification
#> "Sub.Class" "class"
#> Fatty acid properties Fatty acid properties
#> "FA" "FA.C"
#> Fatty acid properties Fatty acid properties
#> "FA.Chain.Length.Category1" "FA.Chain.Length.Category2"
#> Fatty acid properties Fatty acid properties
#> "FA.Chain.Length.Category3" "FA.DB"
#> Fatty acid properties Fatty acid properties
#> "FA.OH" "FA.Unsaturation.Category1"
#> Fatty acid properties Fatty acid properties
#> "FA.Unsaturation.Category2" "Total.C"
#> Fatty acid properties Fatty acid properties
#> "Total.DB" "Total.FA"
#> Fatty acid properties Physical or chemical properties
#> "Total.OH" "Bilayer.Thickness"
#> Physical or chemical properties Physical or chemical properties
#> "Bond.type" "Headgroup.Charge"
#> Physical or chemical properties Physical or chemical properties
#> "Intrinsic.Curvature" "Lateral.Diffusion"
#> Physical or chemical properties Cellular component
#> "Transition.Temperature" "Cellular.Component"
#> Function
#> "Function"
# conduct lipid profiling function
result <- lipid_profiling(processed_se, char="class")
#> There are 4 ratio characteristics that can be converted in your dataset.
“Mapping lipid characteristics” is one of the steps in constructing
the input SummarizedExperiment object in LipidSigR
detailed in previous section.
When the Goslin annotation table is provided to the
, it is extended into a
lipid characteristic table by adding mappings between lipids, the LION
ontology, and other resource IDs. This extended lipid characteristic
table is then included in the returned SE object. If you only need the
lipid characteristic table, you can use this
# the input lipid annotation table
head(goslin_annotation[, 1:6], 5)
#> Normalized.Name Original.Name Grammar Message Adduct Adduct.Charge
#> 1 Cer 38:1;O2 Cer 38:1;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 2 Cer 40:1;O2 Cer 40:1;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 3 Cer 40:2;O2 Cer 40:2;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 4 Cer 42:1;O2 Cer 42:1;2 Goslin NA NA 0
#> 5 Cer 42:2;O2 Cer 42:2;2 Goslin NA NA 0
# conduct lipid annotation
lipid_annotation_table <- lipid_annotation(goslin_annotation)
# view lipid annotation table
head(lipid_annotation_table[, 1:5], 5)
#> feature class Lipid.Maps.Category Species.Name Molecular.Species.Name
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 Cer SP Cer 38:1;O2 <NA>
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 Cer SP Cer 40:1;O2 <NA>
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 Cer SP Cer 40:2;O2 <NA>
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 Cer SP Cer 42:1;O2 <NA>
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 Cer SP Cer 42:2;O2 <NA>
# columns of returned lipid annotation table
#> [1] "feature" "class"
#> [3] "Lipid.Maps.Category" "Species.Name"
#> [5] "Molecular.Species.Name" "Structural.Species.Name"
#> [7] "Level" "Mass"
#> [9] "Sum.Formula" "Total.FA"
#> [11] "Total.C" "Total.DB"
#> [13] "Total.OH" "FA"
#> [15] "FA.C" "FA.DB"
#> [17] "FA.OH" "LCB"
#> [19] "LCB2" "LCB.C"
#> [21] "LCB.DB" "LCB.OH"
#> [23] "LCB.Bond.Type" "FA1"
#> [25] "FA1.C" "FA1.DB"
#> [27] "FA1.OH" "FA1.Bond.Type"
#> [29] "FA2" "FA2.C"
#> [31] "FA2.DB" "FA2.OH"
#> [33] "FA2.Bond.Type" "FA3"
#> [35] "FA3.C" "FA3.DB"
#> [37] "FA3.OH" "FA3.Bond.Type"
#> [39] "FA4" "FA4.C"
#> [41] "FA4.DB" "FA4.OH"
#> [43] "FA4.Bond.Type" "Category"
#> [45] "Main.Class" "Sub.Class"
#> [47] "Cellular.Component" "Function"
#> [49] "Bond.type" "Headgroup.Charge"
#> [51] "Lateral.Diffusion" "Bilayer.Thickness"
#> [53] "Intrinsic.Curvature" "Transition.Temperature"
#> [55] "FA.Unsaturation.Category1" "FA.Unsaturation.Category2"
#> [57] "FA.Chain.Length.Category1" "FA.Chain.Length.Category2"
#> [59] "FA.Chain.Length.Category3" "LION.abbr"
#> [61] "GATOM.abbr" "LIPIDMAPS.reaction.abbr"
#> [65] "SwissLipids.ID" "HMDB.ID"
#> [67] "ChEBI.ID" "KEGG.ID"
#> [69] "LipidBank.ID" "PubChem.CID"
#> [71] "MetaNetX.ID" "PlantFA.ID"
Two conversion types for lipid species are provided: summing lipid species abundance by lipid characteristics or converting to ratio-based abundance.
Both functions are integrated into the lipid characteristics analysis
function, so when you use LipidSigR::deChar_twoGroup
, the abundance conversion is
automatically performed within the function.
If you only want to obtain the converted abundance, follow the commands below.
then further processed with LipidSigR::data_process
. Please
read vignette("tool_function")
before preparing the input
# view input abundance
head(extract_summarized_experiment(processed_se)$abundance[, 1:5], 5)
#> feature control_01 control_02 control_03 control_04
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 0.004185318 0.005062099 0.006639506 0.004673993
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 0.028158098 0.028943877 0.033753065 0.028955649
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 0.005353772 0.004848560 0.007206871 0.004240695
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 0.066401753 0.067821160 0.099539106 0.075669688
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 0.047751244 0.038674706 0.073460234 0.041838008
# convert species abundance to characteristic abundance
char_abundance <- convert_sp2char(processed_se, transform='log10')
# view abundance after conversion
head(extract_summarized_experiment(char_abundance)$abundance[, 1:5], 5)
#> feature control_01 control_02 control_03 control_04
#> 1 class|Cer -0.81858467 -0.837583766 -0.6563969 -0.80861038
#> 2 class|DG 0.03385835 -0.008210876 -0.3062842 0.08584996
#> 3 class|LPC 0.53341062 0.281360639 0.4567495 0.23801049
#> 4 class|LPE -0.79973292 -1.089284167 -0.7307483 -1.00166907
#> 5 class|PC 1.67965445 1.680565780 1.8237574 1.71690075
# view input abundance
head(extract_summarized_experiment(processed_se)$abundance[, 1:3], 5)
#> feature control_01 control_02
#> 1 Cer 38:1;2 0.004185318 0.005062099
#> 2 Cer 40:1;2 0.028158098 0.028943877
#> 3 Cer 40:2;2 0.005353772 0.004848560
#> 4 Cer 42:1;2 0.066401753 0.067821160
#> 5 Cer 42:2;2 0.047751244 0.038674706
# convert species abundance to characteristic abundance
ratio_abundance <- convert_sp2ratio(processed_se, transform='log2')
#> There are 4 ratio characteristics that can be converted in your dataset.
# view abundance after conversion
head(extract_summarized_experiment(ratio_abundance )$abundance[, 1:3], 5)
#> feature control_01 control_02
#> 1 Chains Ether/Ester linked ratio|PC -4.53128351 -4.579168367
#> 2 Chains Ether/Ester linked ratio|PE 0.04700296 -0.008048668
#> 3 Chains odd/even ratio|PC -4.64947013 -4.635198329
#> 4 Chains odd/even ratio|PC O- -9.75844582 -9.634882752
#> 5 Ratio of Lysophospholipids to Phospholipids|LPL/PL -3.85431934 -4.703840948