This function processes the abundance data based on user options, including removing features with missing values, imputing missing values, and normalization.
A SummarizedExperiment object construct by as_summarized_experiment
Logical. If exclude_missing=TURE, lipids with
missing values will be removed. Default is TRUE
Numeric. Lipids with missing values over a
certain percentage (5-100) should be removed. Default is 70
Character. The method for NA values replacing.
Allowed methods include "QRILC", "SVD", "KNN", "IRMI", "min", "mean", "median",
"PPCA", "BPCA", "RandomForest", and "none". If you have already replaced NAs,
select 'none'. Default is 'min'
Numeric. The value for replacing NA values varies depending on the selected method, and each method applies different number ranges.
QRILC: 0.1-1
SVD: 1-10
KNN: 1-10
min: 0.1-0.5
PPCA: 1-10
BPCA: 1-10
Default is 0.5
for replace_na_method='min'.
Character. Normalization function. Allowed methods
include "Percentage", "PQN", "Quantile", "Sum", "Median", and "none".
If you have already normalized the abundance values, select 'none'.
Default is 'Percentage'
Return a SummarizedExperiment object with processed abundance values.
processed_data <- data_process(de_data_twoGroup, exclude_missing=TRUE,
exclude_missing_pct=70, replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,