This function is for plotting the results of subgroup lipid characteristics differential expression analysis.
plot_subChar_twoGroup(subChar_se, subChar_feature)
A SummarizedExperiment object with results computed by subChar_twoGroup
Character. A feature selected by users from subChar
to visualize the specific plot for the selected category of that characteristic.
For example, if subChar is 'class' and subChar_feature is 'Cer', the resulting plots will display data for 'Cer' within the 'class' category.
Return a list with 5 static plots, 5 interactive plots, and 5 data frames.
static_barPlot: a static bar plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between two groups based on a user-selected characteristic.
static_barPlot_sqrt: a static bar plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between two groups based on a user-selected characteristic. NOTE: the y axis is sqrt-scaled.
static_linePlot: a static line plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between the two groups based on a user-selected characteristic.
static_linePlot_sqrt: a static line plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between the two groups based on a user-selected characteristic. NOTE: the y axis is sqrt-scaled.
static_boxPlot: a static box plot of ctrl group and experiment group.
interactive_barPlot: an interactive bar plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between two groups based on a user-selected characteristic.
interactive_barPlot_sqrt: an interactive bar plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between two groups based on a user-selected characteristic. NOTE: the y axis is sqrt-scaled.
interactive_linePlot: an interactive line plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between the two groups based on a user-selected characteristic.
interactive_linePlot_sqrt: an interactive line plot shows the average expression of each sample group and highlights significant differences between the two groups based on a user-selected characteristic. NOTE: the y axis is sqrt-scaled.
interactive_boxPlot: an interactive box plot of ctrl group and experiment group.
table_barPlot: table for plotting bar plots
table_linePlot: table for plotting line plots
table_boxPlot: table for plotting box plots
table_char_index: table with the value calculated by the weighted average of lipid characteristics abundance
table_index_stat: table with statistics of control and experiment groups
processed_se <- data_process(
de_data_twoGroup, exclude_missing=TRUE, exclude_missing_pct=70,
replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,
subChar_se <- subChar_twoGroup(processed_se, char="Total.C", subChar="class",
ref_group="ctrl", test='t-test', significant="pval", p_cutoff=0.05,
FC_cutoff=1, transform='log10')
#> There are 4 ratio characteristics that can be converted in your dataset.
subChar_feature_list <- unique(
res_plot <- plot_subChar_twoGroup(subChar_se, subChar_feature="Cer")