This function conducts Lipid Set Enrichment Analysis (LSEA), a computational method for determining whether a predefined set of lipids shows statistically significant, concordant differences among two or multiple biological states (e.g., phenotypes).

  char = NULL,
  rank_by = c("log2FC", "pval", "padj", "statistic"),
  significant = c("pval", "padj"),
  p_cutoff = 0.05,
  n_lipid = 2



The resulting SummarizedExperiment object from the differential expression analysis function, such as deSp_twoGroup and deSp_multiGroup.


Character/NULL. A lipid characteristic selected from the common list returned by list_lipid_char. Enter NULL to plot all characteristics.


Character. The method to rank lipids. Allowed rankings include "log2FC," "pval," "padj," and "statistic". "log2FC" is only permitted for two-group data. Default is 'statistic'.


Character. The p-value to be used for the statistically significant. Must be one of "pval" or "padj". Default is 'pval'.


Numeric. The threshold to distinguish enriched lipid-sets from not-enriched ones. Default is 0.05.


Numeric. The minimum number of lipids in a lipid set to be included in enrichment. Default is 2.


Return a list of enrichment result, 1 interactive plot, 1 static plot, 1 table, and 2 lists.

  1. enrich_result: a table of enrichment result.

  2. static_barPlot: a static bar plot with the top 10 significant up-regulated and down-regulated terms for datasets involving two groups and the top 20 for multiple groups.

  3. interactive_barPlot: an interactive bar plot with the top 10 significant up-regulated and down-regulated terms for datasets involving two groups and the top 20 for multiple groups.

  4. table_barPlot: table for plotting bar plots.

  5. lipid_set: a list of lipid set.

  6. ranked_list: lipid ranking list.


processed_se_twoGroup <- data_process(
    se=de_data_twoGroup, exclude_missing=TRUE, exclude_missing_pct=70,
    replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,
deSp_se_twoGroup <- deSp_twoGroup(
    processed_se_twoGroup, ref_group='ctrl', test='t-test',
    significant='pval', p_cutoff=0.05, FC_cutoff=1, transform='log10')
lsea_all_twoGroup <- enrichment_lsea(
    deSp_se_twoGroup, char=NULL, rank_by='statistic', significant='pval',
char_list <- list_lipid_char(processed_se_twoGroup)$common_list
#> There are 4 ratio characteristics that can be converted in your dataset.
#>            Lipid classification            Lipid classification 
#>                      "Category"                    "Main.Class" 
#>            Lipid classification            Lipid classification 
#>                     "Sub.Class"                         "class" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>                            "FA"                          "FA.C" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>     "FA.Chain.Length.Category1"     "FA.Chain.Length.Category2" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>     "FA.Chain.Length.Category3"                         "FA.DB" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>                         "FA.OH"     "FA.Unsaturation.Category1" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>     "FA.Unsaturation.Category2"                       "Total.C" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>                      "Total.DB"                      "Total.FA" 
#>           Fatty acid properties Physical or chemical properties 
#>                      "Total.OH"             "Bilayer.Thickness" 
#> Physical or chemical properties Physical or chemical properties 
#>                     "Bond.type"              "Headgroup.Charge" 
#> Physical or chemical properties Physical or chemical properties 
#>           "Intrinsic.Curvature"             "Lateral.Diffusion" 
#> Physical or chemical properties              Cellular component 
#>        "Transition.Temperature"            "Cellular.Component" 
#>                        Function 
#>                      "Function" 
lsea_one_twoGroup <- enrichment_lsea(
    deSp_se_twoGroup, char='class', rank_by='statistic', significant='pval',

processed_se_multiGroup <- data_process(
    se=se_multiGroup, exclude_missing=TRUE, exclude_missing_pct=70,
    replace_na_method='min', replace_na_method_ref=0.5,
deSp_se_multiGroup <- deSp_multiGroup(
    processed_se_multiGroup, ref_group='ctrl', test='One-way ANOVA',
    significant='pval', p_cutoff=0.05, transform='log10')
lsea_all_multiGroup <- enrichment_lsea(
    deSp_se_multiGroup, char=NULL, rank_by='statistic', significant='pval',
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: There were 3 pathways for which P-values were not calculated properly due to unbalanced (positive and negative) gene-level statistic values. For such pathways pval, padj, NES, log2err are set to NA. You can try to increase the value of the argument nPermSimple (for example set it nPermSimple = 50000)
char_list <- list_lipid_char(processed_se_multiGroup)$common_list
#> There are 4 ratio characteristics that can be converted in your dataset.
#>            Lipid classification            Lipid classification 
#>                      "Category"                    "Main.Class" 
#>            Lipid classification            Lipid classification 
#>                     "Sub.Class"                         "class" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>                            "FA"                          "FA.C" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>     "FA.Chain.Length.Category1"     "FA.Chain.Length.Category2" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>     "FA.Chain.Length.Category3"                         "FA.DB" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>                         "FA.OH"     "FA.Unsaturation.Category1" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>     "FA.Unsaturation.Category2"                       "Total.C" 
#>           Fatty acid properties           Fatty acid properties 
#>                      "Total.DB"                      "Total.FA" 
#>           Fatty acid properties Physical or chemical properties 
#>                      "Total.OH"             "Bilayer.Thickness" 
#> Physical or chemical properties Physical or chemical properties 
#>                     "Bond.type"              "Headgroup.Charge" 
#> Physical or chemical properties Physical or chemical properties 
#>           "Intrinsic.Curvature"             "Lateral.Diffusion" 
#> Physical or chemical properties              Cellular component 
#>        "Transition.Temperature"            "Cellular.Component" 
#>                        Function 
#>                      "Function" 
lsea_one_multiGroup <- enrichment_lsea(
    deSp_se_multiGroup, char='class', rank_by='statistic',
    significant='pval', p_cutoff=0.05)
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".